Islamic Jihad commander killed in Bethlehem

Islamic Jihad commander killed in Bethlehem


    (Communicated by Israeli security sources)

    Ta'er Ahmed Mahmad Hassan, a senior commander of the Islamic Jihad terror organization in Bethlehem, was killed in a joint IDF, ISA and Special Police Force operation in the city on November 3, 2006.

    Ta'er, 27, a senior wanted terrorist since 2001, was involved in extensive terrorist activity in recent years, and in particular in the dispatching of various terror attacks, including shooting attacks at the Jerusalem Jewish neighborhood of Gilo and an attempt to bomb a vehicle laden with explosives in the area of the Tunnel Road, which connects Jerusalem and the Etzion Bloc.

    In addition, Ta'er was involved in recruiting of suicide bombers, procurement of weaponry and planning of future terror attacks.

    During the operation on November 3, Palestinians opened fire at the forces. In ensuing exchanges of fire, two wanted Tanzim operatives who were involved in recent terrorist activity were shot.